Retake the ocean from the crystalline forces that have driven your people out. Use the last remaining biological technology of your people to create a base and raise an army to reclaim the sea, and destroy that which now lurks beneath the surface of the waters.
This game was created in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 29, a rapid game development jam.
After running out of the allowed 48 hours for the competition, I decided to keep going for the 72 hour jam. I still didn't quite finish, as you can see, but what I submitted was even more unfinished than this patched up attempt to improve things.
The theme for the competition was "Under the Surface" and I joined the legions of the many who chose to interpret this as underwater or underground.
The submission entry page for this game is here.
Of all the unfinished games featured on this site, which are many, this is probably the one I'm most likely to come back to.
All code for this game is available here, if you're into that. It's AS3, so it's likely awful.
This game was created using the Flixel library for Flex.